Monday, May 14, 2012

Cover crazy Monday

Cover Crazy Monday is a weekly meme that was created by Tawni over at the bookworms.  I have no idea if she is still doing it, putting it on hold, or what but I thought I would continue this meme since I adore how creative these covers are getting.  The point is to keep the narrative short and sweet so we can focus on the product.

I just love this cover!  Besides being rich in color, I adore the pose of the hero and herione.  The neck is such a sensitive place on a woman's body and I love it when I feel the rough callouses of men's hands gliding up and down...and all around that area, gives me shivers just writing this.
Title: To Dare the Duke of Dangerfield
Author: Bronwen Evans
Publication: Bronwen Evans
Release Date: Jan. 31, 2012


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