Can daring adventures with an adrenaline junkie give a daydreaming pushover the courage she needs in order to make her life count for something?
When a freak fast-food accident almost kills scaredy-cat Lisa Flyte, she decides it's time to get a backbone and really start living life! But how is a shrinking violet like Lisa supposed to get assertive all of a sudden after a lifetime of watching from the couch?
Jack Hawkins, that's how. When Lisa finds out that the outdoor extremist from her MBA classes needs a clueless urbanite to test his top-secret line of adventure gear for beginners, she gets the most outlandish idea of her life: she will be his undercover test dummy if he helps her become brave on their adventures in the wild.
They strike a deal. But can Lisa use her outdoor moxie to become the alpha hero of her everyday life? Will she find the grit to pursue a career she really wants or the nerve to stand up to her bullying family?
And will she get gutsy enough to go after Jack? He's a man who's not afraid of anything...except maybe of falling for Lisa.
When a freak fast-food accident almost kills scaredy-cat Lisa Flyte, she decides it's time to get a backbone and really start living life! But how is a shrinking violet like Lisa supposed to get assertive all of a sudden after a lifetime of watching from the couch?
Jack Hawkins, that's how. When Lisa finds out that the outdoor extremist from her MBA classes needs a clueless urbanite to test his top-secret line of adventure gear for beginners, she gets the most outlandish idea of her life: she will be his undercover test dummy if he helps her become brave on their adventures in the wild.
They strike a deal. But can Lisa use her outdoor moxie to become the alpha hero of her everyday life? Will she find the grit to pursue a career she really wants or the nerve to stand up to her bullying family?
And will she get gutsy enough to go after Jack? He's a man who's not afraid of anything...except maybe of falling for Lisa.
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“Hey!” I can’t believe I didn’t notice it before. “Your butt’s not padded! You’re not even wearing a wetsuit. You get running pants!”
Jack doesn’t even turn around. “My butt’s not padded because I’m not a beginner and I don’t need padding on a hike with waterfalls.”
“What? Your butt’s, like, invincible?”
He ignores me. “And I’m not wearing a wetsuit because I hardly ever wear a wetsuit canyoneering. I don’t mind getting wet or hiking while my pants dry. Most beginners don’t want their clothes to get wet, no matter how quickly the wicking dries.”
“Why can’t I wear wicking?” I say this as if I totally know what 'wicking' is.
“I just told you,” Jack says. “You’re testing beginner gear.”
“No beginner is going to want a padded butt, I can tell you that right now. You told me corporate retreats go canyoneering. Well, there’s no way Judy in accounting is going to want Harold in sales to see her with a form-fitting padded butt.”
Jack stops and turns to face me. “I’ll keep that in mind. How does your butt feel?”
“How does my butt feel?” I echo.
“Lisa, does it hurt? Any bruises or scrapes?”
“Oh.” I put my hands on my caboose and pat myself down. “I think I’m okay. It feels, you know, average.”
“Okay.” Jack nods and turns. After a few steps, he stops to anchor a rope on a tree.
“Okay, what?”
“We’re here, at the last fall.” He uses his shoulder to point to the top of the falls. “Put on your belt.”
I realize that I hear the roar of the falls, and have been hearing it for the past few minutes. I give my mind and body silent kudos for being so good at denial up until now.
I turn to look out over the falls and I see….
I see….
I see….
This can’t be real. Every other fall today, when I looked over, I could see, well, the bottom. I rush toward the edge of the fall, stopping about five feet from NOTHING. The ground just ends. I get down on my hands and knees and crawl closer toward the edge. I still can’t see anything below. “HOW HIGH IS THIS WATERFALL?”
About the Author
With her Ivy League education, white trash sensibility, and pop culture savvy, GVR Corcillo delights in writing chick lit about characters who try not to trip as they valiantly march to their own bongo beat.
She didn't start writing right away. First, she worked in a greenhouse, a supermarket, a movie theatre, a potpourri-stuffing factory, an electrical fixtures plant, a book warehouse, a metal-perforating factory, a video store, several movie studios, a children's museum, a radio station, and a bar. She also taught high school in Watts and South Central Los Angeles.
But none of these fit the bill for what she always wanted to be when she grew up - a writer. So, she won some writing contests, hit the New York Times Bestsellers List with her first short story, and got a screenplay produced.
Geralyn Vivian Ruane Corcillo, a native of Scranton, Pennsylvania, lives in North Hollywood with her husband Ron, a television comedy writer. They are both New York Giants fans.
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Megan Duncan, what a beautiful website and an amazing feature of my book! Thanks for hosting me today on Stop 4 of My Reading Addiction Tour! I have been having so much fun so far connecting with readers, and I look forward to another day of fun fun fun right here! I hope to get lots of comments because I just love chatting with fellow book lovers! Thanks for this great opportunity and for all your hard work!
ReplyDeleteI Loved loved loved this excerpt! So funny. I had fun putting this together.
DeleteThanks, Megan :) It was fun picking this one out, with the dynamics between the two, the humor, the adventure...
DeleteMegan, I meant to comment on this last night but I am so loopy I can't keep two things in my head at once with this cold...We are totally kindred spirits when It comes to Gilbert on PBS!! His wooing of Anne, especially when she spurns him, is heart wrenching! And Little House!! I still reread These Happy Golden Years every few years or so. Almanzo going to pick her up from school every weekend in the terrible cold and snow...And when I was growing up, I was GLUED to the episodes of Little House when Almanzo "Manly" and Laura were starting to like each other - eeeeee!!! Good luck on getting back into writing!!! You are organized and social media savvy, two VERY important things for a writer!!! Rock on!
DeleteAnd for those of you who have been following the tour, you know I have a pretty bad cold, so I won't be online until probably by about noon Pacific Time. BUT I will be responding to all comments so please...leave as many as you like :) Look forward to chatting!
ReplyDeleteAwww, hope you feel better. It has finally turned nice here in upstate NY, but the EDJ is still rearing its ugly head. Luckily, my EDJ requires travel throughout the day, so I will get to enjoy some of the sun and fresh air. BTW, I won an amazon gift card last night. Guess what I'm going to use it for...
ReplyDeleteThanks Kathryn Biel! I am "fortunate" in my day job in that I am a tutor, so when I am sick, I get time off, since I can't go and get the kids sick. Plus, I've had no voice since yesterday. I have a reading of She Likes It Rough Monday evening, so I think my voice will be a nice Demi Moore raspy by then :) Spring in upstate NY...sigh...I miss the northeast weather! Sweeeet winning the Amazon card! My book is $2.99, so you'll be able to get many goodies with that! Just as I'm sure many people are on Amazon trolling by searing women's fiction and picking up some "goodies." Hold Her Down is especially woman's Peyton Place nightmare destroysher life...where does she go from there? Can't WAIT to find out!!
Kathryn, When I just went to Amazon to get the link to your your books Good Intentions and Hold Her Down, I was once again wrapped into the descriptions - I LOVE books where I'm like, How the heck is she going to get through that? Books about a woman's resilience...great stuff!
DeleteI feel your pain, GVR! I think that I have a sinus infection. :( With a day job and the task of trying to be an author, none of us have time for this illness nonsense. The only good thing is that since my brain isn't functioning well enough to write, I can use this time to read instead. For all of you out there who are looking for a new book to read, check out GVR Corcillo's She Likes It Rough. This book is absolutely hilarious! Capricious Lisa will keep you guessing as to her next move and mysterious Jack will get your pulse racing. From the first page, you will be hooked! I guarantee it!
ReplyDeleteGlynis Astie, I hope you feel better soon! Damn, girl, you can write! In a few lines you've polished up my book into this gorgeous pearl :) Oh, wait, that's why both your books are so awesome! Sooo excited French Toast, the sequel to French Twist is out! French Twist is working its way up the ladder in the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award Contest - you go girl!!
How's that head-cold, GVR? Hope you're winning. Our house is the house of grumpy children at the moment so I've snuck away to do a bit of stealth surfing and lookie lookie! You're here! I agree with Megan: it's a fab excerpt. Had to laugh because I remember trying on a pair of padded cycling pants a few years back, couldn't stand that it felt like a big nappy, and opted for sore backside instead :) Can't wait to read SLIR...
ReplyDeleteMaggie Le Page! I remember when shoulder pads were so popular in the eighties and a comedienne saying, "When are big thighs and big butts going to be as fashionable as big shoulders?" You are so funny! Which must be why your Heat of the Moment Thing is such a big hit! Climbing up the charts in the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award Contest! You go girl!! Check it out, one and all! Sexy, sassy tale of one woman's colassal f*#@-up and how she gets her life back on track!
DeleteI'm hoping big thighs and butts are in right now; I've been waiting long enough for fashion to turn in my favour ;) When it comes to funny, you're right up there GVR! Can't wait to see if you're in the line-up when the next cut of Amazon's Breakthrough Novel Award comes through (but since you've got your alarm set I'm sure we'll hear pronto!)
DeleteI'm hoping all three of us make it to quarter finals, you me and Glynis!!!
DeleteAll I want to do is clear off my to-do list, finish up my writing projects and sit down and read this book! I need more hours in the day, seriously!
ReplyDeleteI hope you're feeling better today GVR! Thank you so much for all the mentions this week. xoxo
Heather McCoubrey! Thanks for stopping by! I, too, need Hermoine Granger's time turner in the WORST way! I know what it's like to be on deadline! And you've got edits due for your second novel! As for your first...mmm mmm gooood. Can a London romance sweep away shadows of the past? To Love Twice - what a gem!